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The Homework Club sessions for this term re-started on the 13th and 14th Jan and run each Wednesday and Thursday from 5.00 – 7.00pm at our Roupell Park Community Centre. These sessions are completely FREE of charge to the parents, and are specifically designed for age groups 7 to 13, or from school year 4 to 8.

The sessions cover Literacy, Numeracy and Science and are run by qualified school tutors. The additional support structure, for those young people who attend on a regular basis, does pay off. As the evidence from the last performance report suggests, all young people as well as their parents who attended in the previous term, felt they gained greater confidence and independence in approaching their school work. And, with some their school results went up. Parents were particularly satisfied with the smooth transition from primary to secondary education.

The most recent report explains it’s objectives in greater detail, and also demonstrates the success of the scheme, which you can find as an appendix. We are happy to say that there are still a few places available so, parents, grab them before they disappear for the term!

To apply, ring Navlet Williams on 07984 337 812.