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To All Residents 
Roupell Park Estate
Dear Resident
We sent out a newsletter last month setting out our proposals for the business plan for Roupell Park RMO through to 2020.
Included within that were the possible uses of our surpluses. Many of you attended the public meeting on 21 February and expressed your views. However the meeting felt that we should carry out a further consultation with residents.
In the attachment below there is a list of the proposals agreed by the meeting, but we would also love to hear your views! Can I therefore please ask that you rate the proposals from 1 to 11 (you don’t have to rate all of them) with 1 being most important. You can also add any other suggestions that you may have. 
Can I please have this returned to me by 31 March 2017 with your thoughts either via my direct email or via our online survey here.
Alternatively, you can drop the letter at our main office reception. 
Thank you very much for your help! 
Yours sincerely, 
Simon Oelman
Estate Director.