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Dear Roupell Park Resident,
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to attend an all day course on ‘Getting Your voice Heard’, which will be held in London on the 30th March 2016, venue at this point to be confirmed. 
We, Roupell Park, are offering to cover the cost to the first ten applicants on the first come first served basis. This course is provided via TPAS which stands for the Tenant Empowerment Organisation and covers the tools and skills that will help you to get your voice heard. So whether it's getting on twitter, building your confidence to speak up about issues that matter to you or finding out how to launch a full scale campaign, this course is for you. If you are interested, please call, drop in to our reception area or send us an email and we will sponsor you; the cut off date is 26th February 2016!
For more detail on the course, please follow the link below.